Thursday, December 10, 2009


看完风云II感觉好失望!任达华的一句"风云再现,不堪一击"是不是讲出了那部电影的结局.这么从头到尾都在打斗而已,完全没有故事大纲.一味用matrix技术,有点闷!!那第一集华丽的CG已不再从现。110分钟的电影,就110分钟的打斗,我就被这些matrix技术弄得昏睡过去。。。。浪费了澳币14.50相等于马币44.95. 哇!两张GSC premium 的票了。。。。。。就让我再以同样的一句话结词 “风云在现,不堪一击”

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


感觉就像回到过去,时间是往前跑的.2010的到来将意味着2009的过去,失去的也将无法追回,只能把握未来。回想过去确实是做过不少后悔的事,但以射手座的我不会在意这些事;写出来是提醒自己不要下错棋。人生就如盘棋,走错重要棋子也将代表失败一步一步的接近。有时候真好笑,人是犯贱吧;明知山有虎,偏往山行。难道这是人的冒险精神还是。。。。不是说不可以,如果你有武松的打虎招,那可尝试。弑虎成功将受万人仰慕,如不辛被虎咬伤逃下山还说可保命东山再起。不要像项羽有河过也不要,白白断送江山。朋友啊!有时候违背自己的原则向恶势力低头不代表你懦弱,无能;退一步只为了下轮更强烈的进攻。 历史都有说了,以往成功的人都不是“忍”功了得吗?

胜者为王,败者为寇。。应该知道吧!历史是为胜利者写的。原则是死的,人是活的。 生存之道,学学“水”的本性吧

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A New day

Huh!!!It been a while, nothing much to do recently. I only need to go to uni once a i decide to start again on my new blog but i don't know what to write LOL...need to get some reference from my friend who are blog master. I will start to write like a diary, today i got to pull over by a police patrol. However i didn't feel any shock because driving a modification will definitely get pull over by a patrol in some day. Ok first, the dude turn on a siren and i just pull aside, stop the engine and step out from the car, took out my license card as usual to wait for him to ask. Haha i have quite a little experience like this back to my original country. "Obey the rules" always do, Yes sir what the problem? Ur exhaust sound is too loud!! =.=!! haha as expected, u will say that. Sorry sir i will change it tmr....BLA BLA BLA with the officer for about 20 mins, i have no idea what we chit chat about.

The V8 holden is very powerful, when the time i saw him far from behind i was thinking of running away but he is coming fast, and i know he is coming for me, than i just slow down waiting for him. Ha! as expected he turn the siren. If back to my country, if i saw them far back behind me i will definitely run first, the dude cant catch me, Proton Waja 1.6...hundread Horse power also not enough want to beat my 200 hp 2.0 turbo volvo...haha...........but here not dare to do...if caught cannot bride them.

But i like the holden .....